
The Daily Catablog is a joint effort between Grace who is 9 and her mum Janet who is 51. We live in Melbourne with dad Gerard and have an elderly black and white cat called Tony. Janet has said that Grace can have a kitten, or maybe two, when Tony dies. Despite the excitement of kittens we love Tony and do our best to look after him. Found this in the out takes. How lucky am I? (Except for the obvious unluckiness)

Cat photos are the go

Tony in a disability chair  By grace
There are also quite a few neighbourhood cats who visit our yard and try to steal Tony's food. After watching The Secret Life of Cats, we realised this is pretty normal cat behaviour.

1 comment:

  1. My new favourite blog <3

    ( Also, when my 18yr old cat passed on, we were sad for about 6months until we could no longer stand it. We adopted 2 kittens from our local shelter, who either picked, or were picked by my boys, and oddly enough, those cats ( now 3 ) physically and mentally pretty much, are feline clones of their owners .. )
